Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Let's Start!

Ok, so I am a BIG girl and I always felt sort of like an outcast in society.  I would walk down the halls of a mall and hear people saying things like "She's disgusting" or they would oink..... and I felt even MORE of an outcast because I DON'T CARE.  Is it weird that I feel comfortable in my own skin??  That I like the curves that I have?  I was inspired to write about this stuff after reading an article about a blog called askaguywholikesfatchicks.  I was surprised, as I'm sure many of us big girls are, by his enthusiasm and genuine love of fat girls.  It wasn't some sick joke and there is no sarcasm, just a genuine guy giving out advice.  So now I want to start doing the same thing for other big girls.

Since it's not like I have any subscribers yet, I will write an introduction.  Hi, I'm Savvy and I am a 260-270 lb woman who LOVES sex, food, and my son... not necessarily in that order.  I grew up knowing only my mother's family, all of which who are extremely skinny (and when I say that, I should point out that one of my aunts is a model/actress).  I look like my biological father's family though, many of which who are large like me (I wouldn't mind so much if I was at least as pretty as my mom's family, I'm a bit of an ugly duckling too but I get better looking with age which is encouraging).  In high school, I was proud of my sexy curves and I dressed to flaunt it.  As a result, my mom thinks I'm a slut, lol.  Although, looking back I was a bit of one...... ANYWAY, I was pretty confident until my senior year where I dated this guy who told me he loved me but sure as hell didn't act like it.  He made references to my weight a lot (even though I was like 50 lbs lighter!) and had crushes on skinny chicks.  Then, I met this man who fell in love with me at first sight... so I left the other guy and ran head first into a whirlwind relationship which ended up with me getting married a couple months later after I had barely turned 18 and graduated from high school.  It's been almost 6 years since we got married and we're still going strong, well, we have problems but what relationship doesn't.

I can't tell the BBW out there enough how IMPORTANT it is that you find a man who loves you for you, for ALL of you.  He better like you for how you look as well as your personality.  Only these sort of men can allow you to become truly self confident no matter what society throws at you.  For example, this group of skinny girls were talking shit about me behind my back (like, literally) and I turned around and held out my ring finger (fyi, I knew these girls were single) and said "Oh my, being fat must not be that bad if I can get married before you!"  Yea, shut those bitches up, lol.

Then again, the way to make yourself more appealing is to HAVE confidence in the first place.  So, try this psychology trick: look at yourself in the mirror, naked if possible, and tell yourself ONE thing you like about yourself.  It can be something as small as your eyes or hair but I swear when I was having self-confidence issues, doing this brought me back within a month and now I'm told I was "snotty self-confident" during that time, lol.

Well, it's a beautiful day so I better go enjoy it!

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